Thursday 14 March 2013

ku sangka panas smpai ke ptg,rupanya hujan di tghari :P

hai semua! *lompat2 bintang
smlm aku punye smngat nak b'celoteh tpi tak boleh nk sign in. terlupa la password email.. mmg pdan muka sndiri :P
wokehh2. jgn buang masa. ni nak cerita psal camping yg aku pegi baru2 ni. syokkkk habis! whuu.


masa ni,taktau nak ckap ape. jujur ckap,hati mmg tak ikhlas pon nak pegi camping tu. most of us felt the same actually. it is because COMPULSORY u know! so,we did.

petang tu kitorg b'gerak ke Jungle Lodge Alang Sedayu,Gombak. semua org brusaha mnceriakan diri msing. jyeahh! seronoknye. seronok sangat2 :D

mcm biase,mlm ade ice breaking. for the 1st time,this time punye ice breaking lain drpd lain. best! yg train kitorg ialah Layang Adventure. takde gmbar la nak tunjuk.. done with 'break the ice'

SABTU   :)

hari ni kitorg b'gerak ke Sg Pisang ! merentas anak sungai..panjat curam.. tpi before tu,of course la kene warming up dulu. discuss the team members psal activity yg akan dibuat..

mula2 start jalan tu,steady je lgi. lalu lorong dlm hutan tu.. bila dah melepasi anak sg, 1 of my team mmbers,jerit 'aaahh aahh,ada ape ni?! rase mcm ade something'. terkejut maknoks. ada pacat rupenye..mcm cacing je bentuknye. kite kene caring each other.

p'jalanan diteruskan lgi,kitorg lalu bwh highway Karak *jalan mmg slalu lalu pon Kuantan=KL.

setelah segala onak duri rintangan halangan bukit bukau kitorg dah lalui...... akhirnya sampai ke Sg Pisang! seronok tgok sungai. ciptaan Allah SWT sgt indah :)

abseiling waterfall mmg menarik tertarik kau mmg de boommmm! huhu
survival, kitorg kene memasak. well.masing2 keluar la aura masterchef. hehe.

otw balik tmpat camp, hujan turun dgn lebatnye. participants smpat melalui terowong bwh highway Karak tu tpi 2 trainees t'paksa cross highway sbb air bwh terowong tu naik dgn cepatnya.

thanks to brothers! u guys too gentlemen. respect. tolong sisters,care psl sisters sbb mse tu mmg tak jumpe dah team mmbers. dah b'cmpur-cmpur dah group2.

Malam Kebudayaan. *aku paling tak suka.mmg tak suka giler!

mntak maaf sgt kat team mmbers sbb tak dpt bgi full commitment utk p'smbahan tu. BERLAKON ! mmg fail la maknoks.. aku bukannye tak prnah try! aku dah prnah try,dah cuba utk buat p'smbhan lakonan tpi TAK BOLEH ! uhu. overall,p'smbahan mlm tu mmg gempak. best. meaningfull.


hari terakhir b'camping. sedih tpi seronok. last activity, The Amusing Nature Race. hah,nmpak tak nama dia tu mcm mne.. dlm activity ni,mcm2 kitorg bljar. STRATEGY. SOLUTION. saingan yg sgt hebat !

for the 1st time in my life... aku kene lintah !!!!!! time meredah sg 1 bdan mse hri sabtu tu,alhamdulillah tak kene ape2.
ni time meredah anak sg je pon. paras betis je air nye,boleh t'kene lintah pulak. eeeeeiii,dah la besar. geli maknoks! mmg t'kejut knape tetibe kaki b'darah. rupenye2,lintah~ *nak muntah pulak rase.

aku group LESUNG ! G.O.O.D  J.O.B ! overall, group aku dpt no 3 drpd 6 groups..


*this is the one of the memory to be remembered. sweet memory :')

Sunday 13 January 2013


lately,my life turns upside down. i don't know why. maybe i'm just stressed with all wrongdoing.
i took deep breath. hhhhhhhmmmmmmm, haaaaaaaahhhhh!
i feel relieved.

Allah SWT knows what i feel, what i have to face n everyhting. yes, HE knows every single things but sometimes when i'm trying to stay strong n all of sudden i give up easily. aarggh! i hate when i'm give up so easily ! yeahh. i hate this!

O Allah,The Most Merciful n The Most Gracious. please give a strength for me to get my life to the fullest,the blissful life with my family and full with barakah.insyaAllah. amin..~

Wednesday 26 December 2012

rahsia Allah,sape tahu..

Assalamualaikum :)

Entri saya buat kali ni bukanlah sbb saya gatal nak kahwin ke hape or what but it just crossed my mind :)

Jodoh tu rahsia Allah SWT, rezeki juga rahsia Allah SWT . Believe in Allah,takde ape atas bumi ni milik kita,semua Allah punya. To get the best,we have to be the best first, rite?
just nice , "Jika dia tak cintakan Allah yang menciptakan dia, macam mana dia nak cintakan awak?" and vice versa laa, "Jika kita tak cintakan Allah yang menciptakan kita, macam mana kita nak cintakan dia?"

BETUL ! kita ingat Allah,Allah ingat kita :)

: ' )

Thursday 29 November 2012

i love what?

jyeah, as u can read the tiltle above. I <3 FOOTBALL,SO WHAT? LOL.

Does it look weird when some girls love football? I don't think so..

but.. i don't addicted towards football as the men do. since i enjoyed my holiday for 2 months,i have no idea what to do,so i spent my time by watching football match. haha. not all the time laa, now is Piala Suzuki so i tgok la match Malaysia tanah tumpah darahku berlawan dgn negara lain.

1st match, Malaysia tanah tumpah darahku vs Singapore. masa tu mmg sakit jiwa dan raga tgok match tu *baling tv.  rasenye, 1 Malaysia b'gegar sbb gerammmmmm! uhu. sape yg tgok je dia tahu ape rase.kann..?

2nd match, Malaysia vs Laos. fortunately,M'sia menang! yeayy. Malaysia-4, Laos-1.
tetibe smngat patriotik berkobar-kobar mse tu. LOL. i taktau la knape Safee Sali dah tak terror mcm dulu. *no comment. Wan Zack Haikal mmpamerkan aksi yg ckup baik and Safiq Rahim too.. ggrr and all the players, u did the best maayynn ! well done ! :D

utk 3rd match,kite tgok Malaysia vs Indonesia (1 Dec 2012) nnt. hope Malaysia boleh kekalkan kejuaraan. Please don't over confident sbb Melayu mudah lupa. *fact.

before this, i watched the EPL*rasenye la.. Manchester United VS QPR. I am MU supporter! hihi.
i just support Man.United, just minat. that's all.
Menyu menang ! taktau la klau dgn QPR pon kalah kann..*jahatnye.. 

my little bro always give the information about football. thanks bro! *that's why i know little bit about football.

sbelum2 ni pon i selalu jgak tgok bola sepak ni, tpi sejak2 dah start study i tak ikuti p'kembangan bola sepak. LOL.

..dan selalunye girlfriends akan merajuk/tak suka or ape2 je la bile boyfriends mereka tgok bola smpai tak text/tak ingat gf.. *i rase keterlaluan ok klau mcm gini. ey,girls! klau u shopping or jalan2 ke,ingt bf tu tak bosan ke nk melayan awak selalu. baru gf bf kot, bukannye suami isteri. *saya takde niat nak sakitkan hati/mnyinggung sesape,tpi pndapat sye biar je la boys nak tgok bola ke ape ke.takkan nak text/call/dating 24/7. takde privacy lgsg klau mcm tu. i'm very sorry,this is note to myself too. Allah tu Maha Adil, kdg2 DIA boleh pantulkan balik. mne tau klau saya ade bf,saya jdi mcm tu ke kann.. but i hope Allah always with me, smoge dijauhkan bnde2 mcm sha Allah. smoge kite semua berada di bwh perlindunganNya. amin...~    

Wednesday 28 November 2012


pertama-tama & selama lamanya,bersyukur kpd Allah krn diberi peluang & ruang utk mncari keredaan Allah di atas muka bumi ini. alhamdulillah.

agak lama dah sye meninggalkan dunia blog ni. hee. today,i'm alive in blog world for the new inspiration in my life !

to succeed,people really need a u?? doesn't matter the motivation comes from your idol,your friends or even though from your family members.

pernah terfikir tak, at least sekali je. sekali je seumur hidup. 
"dia beruntung giler.dah la pandai.result gempak habis.mcm mne la dia blaja.telan buku agaknya.mcm mne la nk jdi mcm dia.."
(try baca dlm keadaan pasrah habis)

tdi sye mnghadiri motivasi petang secara online. percaya?? LOL.

bile kite fikir balik,muhasabah diri,renung psal diri kite betul2. then, we get the answer! u don't believe it? u must try.

everything come from Allah. we as muslim,we have to put 100% trust in Allah. in sha Allah,Allah always help us :)

never lose hope
" Everything from Him. never lose hope. even though u can't see any light further, keep praying to Him. He knows  best n nothing is impossible for Allah. ok? keep struggling and praying. u can do it! "

Allah tak suka hambaNya mengeluh. kite sepatutnye meminta,tu yg Allah suka. keep praying to Him.


Tuesday 27 November 2012


pada petang yg nyaman & santai nie,kite ucap syukur pada Allah..

nak try buat entry baru lepas lama dah tak update .


Friday 18 May 2012

Kiroro BestFriend

tajuk lagu nie BestFriend dinyanyikan oleh Kiroro. Kiroro tu BestFriend saya. Dia buat lagu ni untuk saya laa. kau ada? takde kannn... dah lama tak jumpe dia nyah!

suka la lagu nie, sweet2 gitu..

sesape nak karok lagu ni dlm bhase Jepun pon boleh..

*terbelit lidah mung nyanyi lagu nih!
Mou daijoubu shinpai nai to nakisou na watashi no soba de
itsumo kawaranai egao de sasayaite kureta
mada mada mada yareru yo datte itsu demo kagayaiteru
toki ni wa isogisugite miushinau koto mo aru yo shikatanai
zutto mimamotte iru karatte egao de
itsumo no you ni dakishimeta
anata no egao ni nando tasukerareta darou
arigatou arigatou Best Friend

Konna ni takusan no shiawase kanjiru toki wa shunkan de
koko ni iru subete no nakama kara saikou no purezento
mada mada mada yareru yo datte itsu demo minna soba ni iru
kitto ima koko de yari togerareru koto sonna koto mo chikara nikawaru
zutto mimamotte iru karatte egao de
itsumo no you ni dakishimeta
minna no egao ni nando tasukerareta darou
arigatou arigatou Best Friend

Toki ni wa isogisugite miushinau koto mo aru yo shikatanai
zutto mimamotte iru karatte egao de
itsumo no you ni dakishimeta
anata no egao ni nando tasukerareta darou
arigatou arigatou Best Friend

Zutto zutto zutto Best Friend

nak karok dlm English pon boleh :)

I don't have to worry anymore, cause you will be by my side when I cry
You always smile at me
I am blessed because you always shine before me
Things that we have missed hastily at time, that's the way it is
Faces that always being looked at
Forever hugging each other
Your smile has helped me endless time, you know
Thank you thank you Best Friend

These plenty happiness that I felt at this moment
All the friends that I have here, you the best present
I am blessed because you always be by our side
Surely things that I have accomplished here, those things too give me strength (change to strength)
Faces that always being looked at
Forever hugging each other
All of your smile has helped me endless time, you know
Thank you thank you Best Friend

Things that we have missed hastily at time, that's the way it is
Faces that always being looked at
Forever hugging each other
Your smile has helped me endless time, you know
Thank you thank you Best Friend

Always always always my Best Friend

Datin Sardin ni la yg kasi kt I tapi dia bukan Kiroro.
Kiroro ada kat Jepun tgh busy buat album yg ke-25.
actually,saya dgr lagu Kiroro ni dlm kereta. baru je nak post kat facebook lagu nie utk Datin Sardin , Datin Maimoon , Dato' Hariz , Izzah , Nasha Aziz , Pak Dollah , Joyah , Iron Man , Captain , Hulk , Natasha , Hawkeye , Thor.... *ah,ah..sudaa sudaaaa..HAHA!

Our 'Kimia' become stronger,insyaAllah.

lagu ini best ! kbye :')

jaga diri kwn2 semua!